This article describes a male patient who suffered from COPD and respiratory failure and was successfully weaned from a ventilator after tracheostomy. The caring period was from November 9, 2019 to December 3, 2019. By Gordon 11 Function Health Patterns as the assessment guide the author used observation, interview, listening, physical examination, and medical record review to collect relevant subjective and objective information. Nursing diagnoses of the patient were (1) Dysfunctional ventilator weaning response (2) Caregiver role strain (3) Ineffective health management. We used empathy, care and respect to establish therapeutic relationship and sense of trust with patients and their families, with the collaborative effort of the medical team, and used the speaking valve to discuss medical plans with patients and their families. By meeting the patient's physiological needs, adopting progressive breathing training, rehabilitation, and swallowing training, it provides information to help patient maintain their own health, and assist the main caregivers to master various care information. Finally, we helped the patient to be weaned from the ventilator and transfered to a general ward. The author suggests that this case report may be used for future references.
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