Purpose: The purpose of this study intended to find out the affecting factors of curricular value orientations on Colleges' physical education teachers. Methods: This study used purposeful sampling and in-depth interview on eleven Colleges' physical education teachers who serviced at different schools (their service years were separately 1-5 years, 6-10 years, 11-15 years, 16-20 years or over 21 years ) to meet the theory of theoretical saturation. And used self-design interview outline to do in-depth interview and taping to record teachers actual experiences; then transferred the data into words and wrote down reflective notes. Adopted open coding and axial coding to combine with all data for understanding what were the influencing factors of curricular value orientations on Colleges' physical education teachers. Results: The affecting factors of curricular value orientations on Colleges' physical education teachers were showed that had their comments, differences and contexts. These factors included six facets: teacher, student, society, subject matter, and context. The primary factors were ”teacher- facet” and ”student- facet” factors were next. Conclusion: The affecting factors of curricular value orientations on Colleges' physical education teachers will appear differently by teachers' service years.
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