This study adopted perspective of Problem-Solving Process, and designed elementary school physical education based on a Team-Game-Tournament Method with teeball game activities. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the linear trend and relationships of Team-Game-Tournament Method on problem solving process and game performance in elementary physical education. The participants were thirty 5(superscript th) grade students (n=28, male n=16, female n=14) who had fundamental knowledge of teeball in a public elementary school of Neihu district, Taipei city. The Team-Game-Tournament Method with teeball game activities was intervened during 5 weeks, and met for 40 minutes twice per week. The instruments included Problem-Solving Process Evaluation and Game Performance which were conducted for every lesson. The descriptive statistics, one-way repeated-measurement trend analysis, and Pearson correlation were utilized to analyze the data, and the significance level was .05. The results of this study found a significant quadratic trend on ”effectiveness” and ”flexibility” of the problem solving process because of providing discussion activities during the Team-Game-Tournament Method. In addition, the students' effectiveness and flexibility of problem solving had significantly positive correlation with game performance. The students in study reported that Team-Game-Tournament Method integrating into physical education had helped them to promote their game tactical cognition. Thus, student's ”effectiveness” and ”flexibility” of problem solving process could be improved by using teaching strategy in order to increase their game performance levels.
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