The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences perceptions of students with different background on different kind of teaching style preference and pedagogical content knowledge among PE teachers of junior high school. The questionnaires were administered to a sample of 816 students who were purposeful sampled from four junior high schools of Taipei city. The study tools included ”The pupils' perception scale of PE teacher's teaching style preference” and ”The pupils' perception scale of PE teacher's PCK”. The data was analyzed through descriptive statistics, independent-sample t test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis. There was a significant difference between junior high school students of different background variables on PE teachers teaching style preference and pedagogical content knowledge, and the encouraging participation, leading of teacher of PE teachers teaching style preference and pedagogical content knowledge can forecast the student's degree of liking on physical education, but there was a negative influence on conduct of team. Teachers can introspect their teaching by perception of students, different perception of students on PE teacher's teaching style and PCK will have different learning feelings. This study suggested teachers should comprehend the feelings of their students on teaching style and PCK for their teaching design in the future, to demonstrate the professional of PE teachers. Future studies can investigate the correlation of the preference of teaching style, PCK, and the learning of students.
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