


A case study of pre-service physical education teachers’ effective teaching behavior and perception: An example of the QMTPS systematic observation instrument




王奎元(Kuei-Yuan Wang);掌慶維(Ching-Wei Chang);吳采陵(Cai-Ling Wu)


有效教學 ; 職前體育教師 ; 體育教學實習 ; effective teaching ; pre-service physical education teachers ; Teaching Practice of Physical Education




10卷2期(2015 / 11 / 01)


57 - 77




體育教學實習為體育師資生的重要養成階段,過程中師資生所建構的教學思維、方法、信念,都攸關未來的教學行為。因此,本研究目的:為分析體育師資生的教學品質,從中探討師資生對自身教學行為與能力的知覺,以進一步發展有效教學行為。方法:本研究以系統觀察法QMTPS(Qualitative Measures of Teaching Performance Scale)為分析工具,對師資生實地教學做觀察記錄,並進一步協助師資生做教學省思。首先選取2位教學實習階段之體育師資生為參與者,並以技能取向之教學項目為觀課目標,師資生每週試教2節課,1節課50分鐘,共12節課(600分鐘),研究者以每節課入班觀察做紙筆記錄及影片拍攝為資料蒐集之方法,定期每週與同儕研究員以QMTPS工具分析教學,教學實習總期程結束後分別做半結構訪談各1次。結果:2位師資生在QMTPS分析的教學品質中得出2位雖口語表達能力佳,但在活動性質的變化、示範行為完整性、動作提示與回饋的品質,仍有待加強。知覺上,師資生對於運動術科的精熟度,教學活動設計、教學臨場反應與教學方法的應用皆期望有更進一步的精進。結論:師資生在受到QMTSP系統觀察工具的幫助下,部分教學上的品質有微幅提升,如提示量的合適性、提示的正確性、教師回饋符合課題的程度皆有成長,亦同時發現自身較不足之處,主要為示範的完整性與提供有品質的提示有較大的精進空間。


Purpose: This case study was, in order to develop effective teaching during physical education teacher education(PETE), to analyze 2 pre-service teachers’ effective teaching behavior as well as to explore their own perception on teaching. The Qualitative Measures of Teaching Performance Scale(QMTPS), as one of the systematic observation tools, was used to record and analyze pre-service teachers’ teaching. Methods: 2 pre-service PE teachers were recruited as the participants. A total of 12 lessons (600 minutes) were taught by the pre-service PE teachers. In terms of data collection, QMTPS tool was used to on-site observation and filming, and the individual interviews were conducted after the end of the PE teaching class. Results: Although pre-service PE teachers demonstrated good verbal presentation of task, the change in the nature of the activities, demonstrations behavior, and the quality of feedback were components that needed to be strengthened. Conclusion: Pre-service PE teachers’ effective teaching behavior might be improved by the QMTPS instrument, however, the readiness of the mastery of pre-service PE teachers’ content knowledge and competency of the specific sports, PE activity design, teaching repertoires in response to PE teaching situations, and teaching methods were still needed to be further sophisticated, the practice of demonstration and action is relatively slightly inferior Male preservice teacher's part.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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