


A Study of Job Stress, Burnout, Job Involvement and Job Satisfaction for Sport Coaches of Elementary School and Junior High School




尚憶薇(I-Wei Shang);古志銘(Gordon Chih-Ming Ku)


教練工作模式 ; 結構方程模式 ; 驗證式因素分析 ; model of coaching job ; structural equations modeling ; confirmatory factor analysis




11卷2期(2016 / 11 / 01)


1 - 20




本研究目的是探討國民中小學運動教練工作壓力、工作倦怠、工作投入與工作滿意度的關係。經立意取樣選取花蓮縣國民中小學運動教練(包括專任與兼任)為研究對象。調查期間共寄出423 份,得有效問卷為348 份,有效問卷率為82.23%。本研究施以運動教練工作壓力量表、工作倦怠量表、工作投入量表與工作滿意度量表,問卷資料回收後以描述性統計、驗證式因素分析、Cronbach'α與結構方程模式進行資料分析。獲得以下研究結果:一、工作壓力、工作倦怠、工作投入與工作滿意度量表,經驗證式因素分析後皆具有良好的模式適配度,且具有可接受的信度與效度;二、各變項之關係經結構模式分析後發現,國民中小學運動教練之工作壓力愈大,其工作倦怠感就愈高,且工作滿意度也就愈低;三、工作投入為運動教練工作壓力與工作滿意度的中介變項,透過工作投入可提高運動教練的工作滿意度。再者,高度的工作倦怠感,將會負面影響運動教練的工作投入,但不影響工作滿意度。根據結果,本研究結論發現國民中小學運動教練的工作壓力愈大,工作倦怠感就愈高,工作滿意度就愈低;工作投入可作為工作壓力與工作滿意度的中介變項。最後針對國民中小學提升運動教練工作場域的品質,提出實務上與未來研究上的建議。


The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship among job stress, burnout, job involvement and job satisfaction for sport coaches of elementary school and junior high school. Purposive sampling was used to select sport coaches, including full-time and part-time, who trained athletes at elementary school and junior high school in Hualien County. Four hundred and twenty-three copy questionnaires were distributed into 125 schools, and 348 available questionnaires were collected, effective response rate was 82%. The questionnaire of job stress, burnout, job involvement and job satisfaction on sport coaches was developed by researcher. Descriptive analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, Cronbach'α and structural equations modeling were utilized to analyze the data. The results were indicated as: 1. The scale of job stress, burnout, job involvement and job satisfaction had excellent fitness, and acceptable validity and reliability on measurement model. 2. The relationship among job stress, burnout, job involvement and job satisfaction was analyzed by structural model indicates that sports coaches who with high degree of job stress were more easier to cause high degree of burnout and low degree of job satisfaction. 3. Job involvement was an effective mediator between job stress and job satisfaction, which could increase job satisfaction indirectly. It was concluded that sports coaches who with high degree of job stress would have higher burnout, and lower job satisfaction. Furthermore, although high degree of burnout would not influence job satisfaction, but it declined the job involvement. Therefore, suggestions based on practical application proposed further research to improve the quality of job field on sport coaches.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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