


Taiwanese Preschool Children's Physical Activity and Obesity Status Investigation




張鳳菊(Feng-Chu Chang);陳清祥(Ching-Hsiang Chen);周宏室(Hung-Shih Chou);陳月娥(Yueh-Er Chen)


運動遊戲 ; 身體質量指數 ; 心血管疾病 ; exercise and game ; body mass index ; cardiovascular diseases




11卷2期(2016 / 11 / 01)


39 - 54




本研究目的在瞭解現今臺灣幼兒身體活動情形與肥胖狀況。採用問卷調查法進行研究。研究對象為臺灣幼兒園4 至6 歲幼兒,問卷由幼兒家長負責填寫,共計2866 位幼兒 (男生1480 位、女生1360 位;年齡4.85±0.73)。結果顯示:一、不同年齡的幼兒在遊戲時間上有顯著差異,4 歲幼兒在遊戲時間多於6 歲幼兒。二、男女幼兒的身體活動量沒有差異。三、臺灣男生幼兒的肥胖比女生多。四、不同年齡幼兒的肥胖有差異,以4歲幼兒的肥胖比例最高。五、幼兒肥胖問題與戶外遊戲時數有關,臺灣肥胖幼兒參與戶外遊戲時數較長。六、家長陪伴幼兒遊戲時數少。結論:臺灣5-6 歲幼兒身體活動時間較4 歲少,且不同性別、年齡以及戶外遊戲時數對幼兒在肥胖部分都有明顯的差異,而肥胖的幼兒在從事戶外身體活動時間卻較長。


The objective of this paper was to describe and understand the physical activity and obesity status in Taiwanese preschool children. Using questionnaire to investigate was this study's method. Participants of this study were 4 to 6 years-old children in Taiwan preschool. Parents write the questionnaire for their children. A total of 2866 children joined in this study (included 1480 boys and 1360 girls, age average were 4.85±0.73). The results showed as followings: first, the different ages of preschool children had significant difference in play time; especially, 4 years-old children spent more time in play at home than 6 years-old children. Second, there was no significant difference between boys and girls. Third, Taiwanese children's obesity problems showed that boys had higher rate in obesity than girls. Fourth, it showed difference in different ages of children's obesity. 4 years-old had more percentage in obesity, but the children of 5 years-old was highest in amount of overweight and obesity rate. Fifth, obesity associated with physical activity, Taiwanese obesity children spent longer time in outdoor activity. Last, parents less play with young children. In sum up, the time of physical activity in 5 to 6 years-old children was less than 4 years-old. The different gender, age and outdoor physical activity had significant difference in children obesity. Children obesity had correlation with physical activity; obese children did longer in physical activity. We suggest future research could analyze the cause-effect relation between children obesity and physical activity; moreover, we suggest parents go for physical activity with children more and help children learning healthy living behaviors.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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