


Effect of Peer Tutoring as An Instructional Approach in the Boccia on Motor Skills for Students Placed in Resource Room Program of Elementary School




姜筱華(Hsiao-Hua Chiang);周俊良(Chun-Liang Chou);李偉清(Wei-Ching Lee)


手眼協調 ; 投擲技能 ; 適應體育 ; adapted physical education ; hand-eye coordination ; throwing skills




13卷1期(2018 / 05 / 01)


1 - 29






Purpose: This study aimed to employ peer tutoring as an instructional approach in the Boccia to affect motor skills of special students placed in resource room program in elementary school level. Method: Across-subjects multiple probe design of single subject research was conducted to get the data concerning motor skills. Motor skills were divided into "throwing skills" and "hand-eye coordination". The former "Boccia formative assessment checklist" and "Boccia game performance evaluation form" were designed by researchers to collect data analyzed by graphic method, visual analysis and C statistics, in order to understand the effect of intervention and maintenance. The latter "The Berry-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration" was implemented in before and after of Boccia teaching, and the results of pretest and posttest that were contrasted to norm and analyzed by paired-samples t test. Result: The use of peer tutoring as an instructional approach in the Boccia could promote the immediate and maintenance effect of throwing skills in the learning performance of the 3 resource room program students. The use of peer tutoring as an instructional approach in the Boccia could also promote the hand-eye coordination abilities, which "motor coordination" ability was the most obvious. Conclusion: Peer tutoring as an instructional approach in the Boccia for students placed in resource room program of elementary school in the motor skills can really have a significant effect.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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