The university physical education curriculum seems to have a considerable influence on the development of college students' future physical activities, but there is no specific research that it is helpful to increase the physical activity of college students. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to understand the current state of physical activity in colleges and the impact of physical education courses on the physical activity of college students. Method: The study subjects were 55 university students who took physical education courses and 26 students who did not take physical education courses. The student's six-week physical activity data was collected through the Wisme Sports Bracelet to understand the difference between the current situation, the different daily differences, and the physical activity of the students who did not practice physical education courses. Result: 1. The average number of steps for students taking physical education courses is 13260 steps on the day of physical education, 11800 on weekdays, and 7770 on holidays. The intensity of the medium and high intensity time was 26.39 minutes on the day of the physical education course, 13.44 minutes on weekdays, and 8.01 minutes on holidays. The average number of steps for non-study physical education course students is 8120 steps on weekdays and 6840 steps on holidays. The intensity of the high-intensity time is 8.13 minutes on weekdays and 4.45 minutes on holidays. 2. The average number of steps taken by students in physical education courses was significantly higher than that of students who did not take physical education. On holidays, there was no significant difference between students who did not take physical education and those who did physical education. Students taking physical education courses have a significantly higher average physical activity time on weekdays and holidays than those without physical education. 3. In terms of the average number of steps in the physical education of college students, the physical education curriculum was significantly higher than the holiday on the day, and there was no significant difference from the weekdays. The average degree of high-intensity exercise time for college students who are taking physical education courses is significantly higher than that of weekdays and holidays. The average number of steps and intensity of college students who did not take physical education courses were significantly higher than holidays. Conclusions: 1. The high-intensity physical activity of college students still needs to be strengthened. 2. Physical education classes can help increase the amount of physical activity of college students. 3. The relative lack of participation of college students in physical activities on holidays.
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教育部體育署 (2015)。重大政策SH150 方案。https://www.sa.gov.tw/wSite/ct?xItem=10817&ctNode=691&mp=11