


Using many-facet Rasch model to develop an observation criteria of assessment on college badminton teaching - an Example from Clear Movements




龔雅慈(Ya-Tzu Kung);紀世清(Shyh-Ching Chi)


信度 ; Rasch測量 ; 修正式德懷術 ; Reliability ; Rasch Measurement ; Modified Delphi Technique




15卷2期(2020 / 11 / 01)


1 - 22






Purpose: This study aims at developing an observation criteria of the assessment on Clear for teaching of college badminton, analysis of movements of Clear, and the establishment of the quality of the observation criteria. Methods: 1. An invited panel of consultancy for Delphi technique which formed by 10 experts and scholars modified Delphi technique and developed an observation criteria of the assessment on Clear movements; 2. Five raters evaluated and gave grades after watching the clips of 10 badminton students' taking Clear movements for three times, and they analyzed the quality of the observation criteria by using many-facet Rasch model. Results: 1. Making a logically effective observation criteria of assessment on Clear movements. 2. Facet of student: Rasch reliability is 0.97, which is close to full reliability 1.00 - showing that the facet of student is excellent. 3. Facet of the raters: Rasch reliability is 0.99, that means it does not meet the standard. 4. Facets of the three-time Clear movements practice: Reliability of Rasch is 0.71 - fair. 5. Facet of the items for the assessment of Clear movements: reliability of Rasch is 0.86 - good. Conclusions: An assessment of observation on Clear movements is successfully made after the conduct of this research. This is the first time the subjective assessment of Clear movements is being objectified through Rasch, meanwhile it also helps develop high-quality observation criteria of assessment on Clear movements. These observation criteria will contribute enormously on college badminton teaching as well as academic research and application of badminton.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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