


Study on Sports and Religions Tourism Motivation, Pre-trip Expectation, Emphasis Degree, Satisfaction Degree, and Loyalty Degree




林永森(Yung-Sen Lin);林博文(Bo-Wen Lin);周少凱(Shao-Kai Zhao)


旅遊動機 ; 行前期望 ; 重視程度 ; 滿意度 ; 忠誠度 ; Traveling Motivation ; Pre-trip Expectation ; Satisfaction Degree ; Loyalty Degree




1卷2期(2006 / 06 / 01)


119 - 150






The purpose of this study was to discuss the relationship in sports and religions tourism motivation, pre-trip expectation, emphasis degree, satisfaction degree and loyalty degree. The sample was from the participants of Taichung County Tourism Patrolman on Taichung County Matzu International Festival. Practical analysis was applied by participating in the 8-day & 7-night tour personally and sending out questionnaires. This study aimed at realizing the behavior characteristics and taste choices of religions and sports tourists, and providing more practical suggestions for future study related to the management of religions and sports tourism. The participants in the survey were divided into two groups. One group was composed of university students who took part in the activity for experiencing religious tourism. The other group focused on the retired and devout Matsu believers. Both groups had great interest in bike riding exercise. The variance analysis was applied in different tourists' traveling motivation, pre-trip expectation, emphasis degree and satisfaction degree, and the result showed that participants' different age and education background had significant difference in traveling motivation and pre-trip expectation. In the analysis of traveling motivation, elder participants had higher religious factor motivation and leisure factor motivation than the younger ones. In addition, the survey showed participants' traveling motivation, pre-trip expectation, emphasis degree and satisfaction degree had correlation with loyalty degree (popularity communication, re-visiting wills), but not with complaining behavior factor. As a result, participants' traveling motivation, pre-trip expectation, emphasis degree and satisfaction degree hadn't influenced the behavior caused by unreasonable questions.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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