


Exercise Attitude and Physical Fitness Investigation of Freshmen in Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology




張世沛(Shih-Pei Chang);黃世賢(Shun-Hsien Huang)


中臺科技大學 ; 大一新生 ; 體適能 ; 運動態度 ; Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology ; Freshmen ; physical fitness ; attitude towards exercise




1卷3期(2006 / 09 / 01)


71 - 86




本研究目的旨在了解中臺科技大學91學年度大一新生體適能水準及對運動的態度情況。以787位學生爲研究對象,男生199人,平均年齡18.8±0.9歲;女生588人,平均年齡18.5±0.7歲。體適能測驗及運動態度調查依照「教育部91年學生體適能護照全面辦理計畫」執行,測驗項目有:坐姿體前彎(柔軟度)、一分鐘屈膝仰臥起坐(腹肌肌力及肌耐力)、立定跳遠(瞬發力)與男生1600公尺、女生800公尺跑走(心肺耐力)等。測驗所得資料以SPSS for windows 10.0電腦套裝統計軟體處理,並以母群體平均數進行單一樣本t檢定,測驗結果與臺灣地區17-20歲男、女學生體適能常模比較後,本研究獲得結論如下:一、中臺科技大學大一新生的柔軟性仍有改善的空間。二、爆發力及心肺耐力較差,沒有該年齡學生應有的水準,應加強改善。三、對於腹肌的肌耐力則應保持其水準。四、對於日後體育課程教學設計上,應多加強體適能教學與訓練,以提昇學生體適能水準。五、大一新生對於運動都持有正向的態度,唯仍有許多人缺乏行動力,在教學上應多鼓勵學生從事規律運動,以提昇個人健康水準。


The aim of this study was to understand the physical fitness level and exercise attitude of freshmen. The participants included 787 students (199 male and 588 female students, with mean age of male 18.8±0.9, female 18.5±0.7, respectively.) enrolled in 91 Academic year of Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology. The physical fitness tests and questionnaires were according to physical fitness passport project in 2002 from Department of Education. The test items of fitness include: sit and reach (flexibility); 1 min sit-ups (strength and muscle endurance); standing long jump (power) and 1600/800m run/walk (cardiovascular endurance). All data were processed by SPSS for windows 10.0 system and one sample t test, compare to the fitness norm of Taiwan area 17-20 years old male and female students. The comparative results are as followed: 1. The flexibility of freshmen should be improved. 2. The power and cardiovascular endurance of Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology freshmen are worse than the same age norm. 3. To keep the muscle endurance of the abdominal muscle. 4. The physical education teaching should emphasize on physical fitness performance and training, in order to promote the physical fitness level of students. 5. The exercise attitude of freshmen is positive. However, the action is poorly. In order to get good health, the physical education teachers need to encourage students to do exercise regularly.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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