


A Study of the Relationships between Corporate Employee Packaged Tour and Knowledge Sharing




葉上葆(Shang-Pao Yeh);何建德(Chien-Te Ho);蘇智鈴(Chih-Ling Su);趙品灃(Pin-Feng Jau)


企業員工旅遊 ; 社會資本 ; 組織認同 ; 知識分享意願 ; corporate employee packaged tour ; social capital ; willingness of knowledge sharing




2卷4期(2007 / 12 / 01)


103 - 124




有鑑於員工旅遊活動在企業界實行甚久,但在國內外文獻中鮮少深入探討其對企業的實質影響。爲了解員工旅遊活動在企業內部的角色及其影響,本研究以184位高科技產業中的員工爲有效樣本,並以組織認同觀點試圖了解企業員工旅遊活動對社會資本間之影響,及社會資本對於知識分享意願之影響。透過文獻探討,將其間之關係加以連結。 本研究採層級迴歸分析,在人口統計變項及角色內行爲控制下,結果顯示(1)企業員工旅遊活動,有助於組織成員建立社會資本;(2)企業員工旅遊活動,有助於提升組織成員間知識分享意願;(3)社會資本與知識分享意願間呈現顯著之正向關係;(4)社會資本對企業員工旅遊與知識分享意願間之關係具中介效果;(5)組織認同對企業員工旅遊與社會資本間之關係具干擾效果;(6)組織認同對社會資本與知識分享意願間之關係具干擾效果。最後並根據上述研究結果加以提出研究結論與建議。


Although corporate employee packaged tour has long been a popular corporate activity, but little literature has paid attention to it's potential effects in knowledge management. To understand the role and effects of corporate employee packaged tour for business organizations, this study empirically tested the effects of corporate employee packaged tour on social capital as moderated by organizational identification, ss well as the effects of social capital on willingness of knowledge sharing. The results of this study generally indicated (1) corporate employee packaged tour was found to be positively related to social capital, (2) positive relationships were found between corporate employee packaged tour and the employee's willingness of knowledge sharing, (3) social capital was positively related to the employee's willingness of knowledge sharing, (4) social capital mediated the relationships between corporate employee packaged tour and the employee's willingness of knowledge sharing, (5) organizational identification in some degree moderated the relationships between corporate employee packaged tour and social capital and between social capital and the willingness of knowledge sharing. Conclusions, recommendations, as well as limitations were also discussed based on the research results.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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