The purpose of this research is to understand the image and experience of customers to the large-scale shopping mall, and the relationships between image and costumer satisfaction from the view of experiential marketing. In addition, providing the improving priorities of the items of experiential marketing by using importance-performance analysis linked with SWOT mode also are included. The main findings were as following: 1. To costumers, the most impressed image is 'A lot of known brands can be bought here'. Four image factors including Diverse Merchandises and Atmosphere, Space Facilities and Service, Activities and Convenience, Cognition of Price were generated through factor analysis. It is found that different customer's personal and consuming characteristics show significant difference to the image factors. 2. To the experiential marketing, it is found that different customer's personal and consuming characteristics show significant difference to the dimensions of experiential marketing. The 'sense experience', 'act experience', 'think experience', and 'relate experience' of experiential-marketing dimensions show significant influence to the integrated satisfaction. 3. By using the correlation analysis, it is found that the image factors have significant positively correlation with the dimensions of experiential-marketing satisfaction. 4. The 'sense experience', 'act experience', 'think experience', and 'relate experience' of experiential-marketing dimensions have significant positively influenced on the integrated satisfaction. 5. By using I.P.A, it is shown that 'Food and beverage of restaurant', 'Feel leisurely and relaxation', 'Friendly service', 'Offer suggestions', and 'Social courtesy' are the urgent priorities should be improved.
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