


The Study of Consuming Motives and Cognition of Attributes of Rural Night Markets-the case of Yunlin County




陳璋玲(Chung-Ling Chen);陳宏斌(Hung-Pin Chen);徐一菁(Yi-Ching Hsu)


鄉村型夜市 ; 消費行爲 ; 滿意度 ; rural night market ; consuming behavior ; satisfaction




4卷1期(2009 / 03 / 01)


43 - 62






The rural area is not as the city having diversified recreational places and thus, the choice for the residents to be engaged in the outdoor leisure activities is limited. The night market is such a place that provides recreation and amusement for the residents at nighttime. The rural night market is a unique facet of rural culture. It provides low-fare and diversified merchandise which facilitates resident's life, and is also an occasion that residents can get together for fun. The study is set to understand the physical form of rural night market, the residents' viewpoints toward the market, consumer's motives, behavior profile, perceived importance and satisfaction toward the market attributes. The observation method, in-depth interview and survey method were used to collect the empirical data. The results showed that the rural night market is usually located around the places that crowds get together such as rail station or temple. The people who visit the market are mainly local residents most of which visit with partners, like family or friends. The main consuming motives to visit the night market are to be with family and alleviate work pressure. The level of satisfaction perceived toward the night market is medial. In the analysis of the importance and satisfaction of market attributes, the result showed that a great deal of attributes should be improved. This indicates that though rural night market is part of residents' daily life, most residents are still not satisfied with most of the market attributes.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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