


The Study of Place Attachment and Residents' Attitudes on Tourism Development: An Example of Siyu Township in Penghu




掌慶琳(Janet Chang);李明儒(Ming-Ju Lee);李嘉諭(Jia-Yu Li)


地方依附 ; 觀光發展 ; 態度 ; 澎湖 ; place attachment ; tourism development ; attitudes ; penghu




4卷4期(2009 / 12 / 01)


149 - 177






The purposes of this study are to explore the relationship of residents' place attachment and attitudes on tourism development. Place identity and place dependence are considered as the main factors of place attachment. The attitude of the residents regarding the impacts of economic, social-culture and environment are examined. The survey instruments were based upon various tourism marketing researches. The survey was conducted with a convenience sample of 341 siyu township residents between February 3 and 9 in 2009. The research findings are as follows: (1) The residents' place attachments were mainly affected by the ”place identity” factor. The major impact of tourism development was considered to be the economic factor; (2) Most of the residents held a positive attitude on tourism development; and (3) The higher the place attachment of the residents, the more positive attitudes of them toward tourism development.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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