


A Study of Groom and Bride's Satisfaction and Loyalty towards Wedding Banquets at International Tourist Hotels-Mediated by Customization




許順旺(Shun-Wang Hsu);楊麗穎(Lin-Ying Yang);蘇紅文(Hung-Wen Su);蘇靜蕙(Ching-Hui Su)


顧客滿意度 ; 客製化 ; 顧客忠誠度 ; 婚宴產業 ; customer satisfaction ; customization ; customer loyalty ; wedding banquets industry




5卷1期(2010 / 03 / 01)


103 - 130






The purpose of this research mainly investigated treat the groom and the bride's satisfaction, customization and loyalty towards wedding banquets at international tourist hotels in Taiwan. The concepts of the quality of service satisfaction and the satisfaction of meat and beverage are applied on the basis of the other researchers' questionnaires, while the remaining variables of this study are developed by in-dept interviews. Questionnaire surveys are then delivered to grooms and brides who married within one year at the wedding banquets of International Tourist Hotels in Taiwan. Seven Hundred questionnaires were delivered and 231 questionnaires were returned with valid data. In addition, from the in-depth interviews with wedding banquets managers and assistant managers at International Tourist Hotels, and newlyweds who married within a year, we discuss policy-making considerations and future vision of wedding banquets. Lastly, combining ideas from hotel operators and consumers, this study aims to depict some specific and explicit direction for wedding planning in International Tourist Hotels. The study results indicate that there is significantly positive effect of customization to customer satisfaction. We also find that the higher degree of customization, the higher customer loyalty; the higher degree of customer satisfaction, the higher oral traditions, price tolerance and revisiting willingness. However, the quality of service satisfaction has no significant effect on oral traditions, price tolerance and revisiting willingness. Besides, the satisfaction of location arrangement has no significant effect on price tolerance. The results also presents that customization has mediate effect on customer satisfaction and loyalty.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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