


Investigation of Physical Fitness in Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology Freshman in 96 Academic Years




施國森(Kuo-Sen Shih);盧廷峻(Ting-Chun Lu);黃若飴(Rouh-Yi Huang);陳秀珠(Shiu-Chu Chen);張世沛(Shih-Pei Chang)


中臺科技大學 ; 體適能 ; 百分等級 ; 七分等級 ; 常模 ; Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology ; physical fitness ; percentage ; seven graded ; norm




5卷1期(2010 / 03 / 01)


198 - 212




本研究以96學年度大一新生進行體適能檢測,目的爲瞭解新生體適能現況,並與教育部學生體適能常模比較,結果將作爲日後體育課程編排之參考。以965位大一新生爲研究對象,男生430人,平均年齡18.5±0.6歲;女生635人,平均年齡18.4±0.5歲,體適能測驗項目有:坐姿體前彎、一分鐘屈膝仰臥起坐、立定跳遠與男生1600公尺、女生800公尺跑走等,測驗資料以SPSS for windows 10.0套裝統計軟體處理,結果以描述性統計並與教育部常模對照。結果:一、本校男、女學生坐姿體前彎百分等級在20-60%之間。二、一分鐘屈膝仰臥起坐男生百分等級在8-80%之間,女生在25-90%之間。三、立定跳遠男生百分等級在5-40%;女生在23-50%之間。四、男生1600公尺跑走百分等級在25%以下;女生800公尺跑走在5%以下。結論:中臺科技大學96學年度大一新生,在柔軟度與瞬發力表現上還有很大的改善空間;對於男、女學生的心肺耐力表現很差,與該年齡學生的水準落差很大,應特別加強與改善。在未來體育課程教學中,應給予學生運動處方並培養規律運動的習慣,如此才能有效改善學生的體適能,達到健康促進的目標。


The aim of this study was to understand the physical fitness level of the Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology freshman in 96 Academic Years. The participants included 965 students (430 male and 635 female students, with mean age of male 18.5±0.6 years; female 18.4±0.5 years). The physical fitness tests items include sit and reach; 1 min sit-ups; standing long jump and 1600/800m run/walk. All data were processed by SPSS for windows 10.0 system, and compare to the fitness norm of Taiwan male and female students. Results: 1. The flexibility of male and female students between are 20-60%. 2. The 1 min sit-ups of male students are 8-80%; the female students are 25-90%, respectively. 3. The standing long jump of male students are 5-40%; the female students are 23-50%, respectively. 4. The 1600m run/walk of male students are under 25%; the 800m run/walk of female students are under 5%, respectively. Conclusion: The flexibility and explosion strength of freshman students should be improved. The cardiovascular endurance of Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology students are worse than the same age norm. In order to get good health, the physical education teachers need to give exercise prescription and encourage students to do exercise regularly, achieves the goal which the health promotion.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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