


The Development of Taekwondo Electronic Auxiliary Scoring Protector and the Research of Weight Categories Scoring Strength




謝文芳(Wen-Fang Hsieh);洪榮聰(Jung-Tsung Hung)


跆拳道 ; 電子輔助計分護具 ; 得分力量 ; 壓力感測器 ; Taekwondo ; electronic auxiliary scoring protector ; scoring strength ; pressure sensor




5卷1期(2010 / 03 / 01)


213 - 227




本研究主旨是研發一套低成本電子式輔助計分護具能普及區域性比賽,並進行各量級得分力量實驗,將結果提供給中華民國跆拳道協會及世界跆拳道聯盟製做之參考。方法:以薄型壓力感測器做爲感測元件及無線高頻雙向模組(2.4GHz)配合傳統護具製作電子輔助計分護具,製作過程經二次校驗,第一次爲電壓-負載關係實驗,結果達線性關係與原廠範例相符,第二次爲功能穩定性校驗,結果亦呈現相當高的穩定性。研究對象以彰化縣道館國小男生,取得一段資格學員,共計20人,依體重不同分爲四組,進行踢擊實驗,同時請五位具有國家級裁判資格認定得分力量,裁判認爲有得分立即按鈕,將所有踢擊過程攝影再放映並記錄三位裁判以上同時按燈(確定得分力)。結果:經踢擊實驗後,以描述性統計平均數、標準差及單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)及最小顯著差異法(Least Significant Difference, LSD)事後比較,結果顯示,最小得分力量爲62N-s,最大得分力量爲87N-s且體重愈重者,踢擊得分力量顯著大於體重較輕者。結論:以薄型壓力感測器做爲感測元件及無線高頻雙向模組(2.4GHz)配合傳統護具,經二次校驗,結果亦呈現相當高的穩定性,可製作電子輔助計分護具。踢擊得分實驗方面,最小得分力量爲62N-s,最大得分力量爲87N-s且體重愈重者,踢擊得分力量顯著大於體重較輕者,因此建議未來製作電子輔助計分護具時,須依不同量級之得分力量進行製作,以達競賽之可看性及公平性。


This research is aimed to develops a set of low cost electronic auxiliary scoring protector (the protective gear) which can be utilized in regional competitions and perform the scoring strength test during the sparring of different rank. The results can then provide to Taekwondo Federation in Taiwan and World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) as reference. Method: Integrating thin pressure sensor, wireless high frequency transceiver module (2.4GHz), and traditional protector to make the electronic auxiliary scoring protector. Two tests for verification had been performed during the producing process. The first one is the voltage-load demand relationship test. The result reaches a linear relationship which match with the sample provided by the original factory. The second test is the function stability verification. The result shows high stability. 20 male elementary school students in Changhwa County with first rank qualification were selected and divided into four groups according to their weight to perform the kick strikes test. Simultaneously five national level referees were invited to recognize the scoring strength. The referee has to push the scoring button immediately once they adjudge the student scored. The entire process was filmed and replay again after the test. The scoring strength is affirmed when there were at least three referees push the scoring button simultaneously. Results: After the kick strikes test, descriptive statistics of mean value, standard deviation, 1-Way analysis of variance (one Way ANOVA), and least significant difference (LSD) were employed to analysis the test data. The results show that the smallest scoring strength is 62N-s while the largest one is 87N-s. It is also obtained significantly that the heavier the body weight the lager scoring strength. Conclusion: According to the two producing verification and kick strikes test results, integrating thin pressure sensor, wireless high frequency transceiver module (2.4GHz), and traditional protector to make a electronic auxiliary scoring protector is suitable. The kick strikes test result shows that the smallest scoring strength is 62N-s while the largest one is 87N-s and the heavier the bodyweight the lager scoring strength. It is suggested that the making of electronic auxiliary scoring protector should base on the scoring strength of different competition class. In that way, it should be able to promote the worth-seeing and fairness of Taekwondo competitions.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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