


The Influence of Historical Streets' Destination Image Difference on Tourism Satisfaction and Behavior Intention-Image Difference of pre-visit and post-visit




林銘昌(Ming-Chang Lin);邱晏麟(Yen-Lin Chiu);潘宜鳳(Yi-Feng Pan)


目的地意象 ; 意象差異 ; 旅遊滿意度 ; 行爲意圖 ; destination image ; image difference ; tourism satisfaction ; behavior intention




5卷1期(2010 / 03 / 01)


85 - 102






This study aimed to explore the impact of destination image difference between pre-visit and post-visit on tourism satisfaction and behavior intention. The relationship between these three variables were examined, further the mediating effect of tourism satisfaction on the relationship between image difference and behavior intention was tested. This study was a cross-sectional study. A survey was conducted to collect the research data. In 2009 March the convenient sampling was used and 366 subjects were surveyed at two historical streets. The descriptive statistics and correlation analysis were used to analyze the demographics of subjects and the relationship of major research variables. Also, the hierarchical regression analyses were used to test the hypotheses. There was significant difference between pre-visit and post-visit destination image of historical tourisms. The image difference significantly impacted the tourism satisfaction and behavior intention. And the tourism satisfaction had mediating influence on the relationship between image difference and behavior intention. To decrease the negative image difference may raise the tourism satisfaction and behavior intention.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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