Due to the effects of an unbalanced diet and lack of exercise, Taiwan has seen a significant decline in physical fitness. Recreational sport offers a new experience and rejuvenates the mind. It can also contribute to the maintenance of a healthy body. A healthy body is the primary goal of recreational sport. With the goal of promotion of both leisure and health, physical fitness is considered a means of improving health, promoting physical ability, and enhancing quality of life. This study applied quality function deployment (QFD) and viewed university and college students who participate in fitness activities as clients. We focused on the motivation of students to participate in fitness activities and transformed the motivation into course options as the basis for assessing the design of physical fitness courses in university and college gyms. The purpose of this study was to assist developers of physical fitness courses in the design of exercise options based on the needs of participants, and to provide a reference for improving the quality of physical fitness education.
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