


The Design of Physical Fitness Courses in Universities and Colleges Using Quality Function Deployment




陳朝鍵(Chao-Chien Chen);林士彥(Shih-Yen Lin);周家豪(Chia-Hao Chou)


體適能 ; 品質機能展開 ; 健康促進 ; Physical Fitness ; Quality Function Deployment ; Health Promotion




6卷1期(2011 / 03 / 01)


79 - 94




在飲食不均衡及缺乏運動的交相作用之下,國人在健康體適能上有明顯的衰退,而運動休閒不但可爲生活帶來新體驗以及開闊的心靈空間,更可使國人擁有健康的身體,其中「健康的身體」更是運動休閒的重要目的之一。因此在追求休閒與健康促進的前提之下,體適能被認爲是一種能提昇健康狀態、增進身體活動能力與豐實生活品質的方式。本研究應用品質機能展開(Quality Function Deployment, QFD)技術,以參與體適能活動的大學校院學生視爲顧客,針對學生參與體適能活動的動機,將其動機需要轉化爲運動項目上的課程選擇,做爲大學校院體育室設計體適能課程的依據,讓體適能課程設計者,能針對參與者的需求做運動項目設計,以提供體適能教學品質改善之參考。


Due to the effects of an unbalanced diet and lack of exercise, Taiwan has seen a significant decline in physical fitness. Recreational sport offers a new experience and rejuvenates the mind. It can also contribute to the maintenance of a healthy body. A healthy body is the primary goal of recreational sport. With the goal of promotion of both leisure and health, physical fitness is considered a means of improving health, promoting physical ability, and enhancing quality of life. This study applied quality function deployment (QFD) and viewed university and college students who participate in fitness activities as clients. We focused on the motivation of students to participate in fitness activities and transformed the motivation into course options as the basis for assessing the design of physical fitness courses in university and college gyms. The purpose of this study was to assist developers of physical fitness courses in the design of exercise options based on the needs of participants, and to provide a reference for improving the quality of physical fitness education.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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