The purpose of the study is to explore the relation between the traveling information service of Taipei City Government and satisfaction level of travelers. The study is conducted in the 5 traveling information service stations, and the subjects are selected from the travelers in the stations. The instrument of the study is questionnaires, and the sampling method is purposive sampling. There are distributed 400 questionnaires. Statistical methods employed are: descriptive statistics, T-test, Chi-Square and One-Way ANOVA. The findings: Travelers' inquiries in the traveling information service station in Taipei Main Station are mainly for traveling information of entire Taiwan. Travelers take brochure in order to gain the map for hotels, map for roads networks, and map for attractions. The study also indicates that the travelers' satisfaction levels will be significantly higher if they are serviced actively instead of passively. The brochure are designed in a way that only young adults are able to read comfortably, the conveniences for the elderly, the young and the visually impaired are overlooked. The majority of traveling information service stations does not provide computers for travelers to search or print information, reducing inquiry time and increasing service efficiency.
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