


Development and Confirmation of a Scale-Service Quality Scale for Hand-Prepared Beverage Stores




高立學(Li-Shiue Gau)


服務品質 ; 滿意度 ; 手搖飲料店 ; 信度 ; 效度 ; Service quality ; satisfaction ; hand-prepared beverage store ; reliability ; validity




7卷4期(2012 / 12 / 01)


47 - 62




本研究目的是編製手搖飲料店服務品質量表,並驗證量表的內容效度、關聯效度、鑑別效度和信度的一致性、等值性。根據SERVQUAL、訪談和專家意見編製適合手搖飲料店服務品質量表,預試問卷前測後修改為正式問卷,於中部某大學旁獨立的手搖飲料店CIRCUS及校園內發放,請有去過CIRCUS的學生填寫。問卷有效樣本200份,男性82位。在準則關聯效度方面,以類似量表「滿意度」衡量到的結果作比較。鑑別效度採用相關係數分析。信度的一致性採用Cronbach Alphas。信度的等值性驗證,先將樣本隨機分成甲、乙兩組,然後比較兩組在服務品質及其五個構面是否有差異。本研究所編製手搖飲料店服務品質量表符合效度、信度,相關後續研究及手搖飲料店可以採用,研究方法課可以採用本研究為案例。


The main purpose of this study attempted to develop the scale of service quality for hand-prepared beverage stores and to verify its content validity, criterion validity, discriminant validity, and reliabilities of consistency and equivalence. Based on SERVQUAL scale, interviews and experts' opinions, a service quality scale for hand-prepared beverage stores was generated. The pilot study was conducted to help revise the formal questionnaire. Questionnaires with the scale were then distributed in a university and in a hand-prepared beverage store, CIRCUS, which was next to the campus of the university in the middle of Taiwan. Those students who had ever visited CIRCUS were recruited to answer the questionnaires. Totally, 200 valid questionnaires were returned with 82 males. For criterion validity, a similar scale, satisfaction, was used. The analyses of Pearson correlation coefficient were used to examine the discriminant validity. The confirmation of consistency reliability adopted Cronbach Alphas. For verifying the reliability of equivalence, the sample was first randomly divided into two groups, and then their average scores in the service quality and the five dimensions were compared. The results showed that the service quality scale for hand-prepared beverage stores met the validity and reliability. Future studies are encouraged to adopt this scale for similar stores. The course of research methods may use this paper in class as reading material of a real case.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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