
探討顧客互動對關係品質之影響-以Lounge Bar為例


Discuss the Impact of Customer Interaction on Relationship Quality




李曄淳(Ye-Chuen Li)


顧客互動 ; 關係品質 ; 服務人員 ; 休閒 ; Customer interaction ; Relationship quality ; Service representative ; Lounge bar ; Leisure




8卷1期(2013 / 03 / 01)


28 - 42




休閒產業離不開服務的本質,而顧客與企業或企業之服務人員在服務接觸過程中不斷地「互動」,互動過程成為服務業關係行銷的關鍵核心。在休閒風潮中,都會地區由於生活型態的不同,使得Lounge bar成為台灣夜間休閒生活中一個新興且持續發展的行業。顧客在Lounge bar消費時,不但與其他顧客聊天,也會與吧台酒保交談,因此消費過程中與店中之服務人員有許多服務互動的機會。因此,本研究以Lounge bar這個都會區較為新興且與顧客互動極為密切的餐飲行業為對象,探討其顧客互動對建立關係品質的影響。本研究共推導出9個子假設,抽樣對象為南部地區約30家Lounge bar之顧客,並以相關分析、迴歸分析做為研究工具。研究結果顯示所有假設皆成立,意即Lounge bar服務人員與顧客之互動愈佳,愈能建立與顧客間之良好關係。尤其加強服務人員與顧客互動時的互動頻率、時間長度與人員專業性,即能提升顧客對企業的滿意度、信任度與承諾感。由於關係品質、顧客互動在休閒服務業裡甚為重要,然而針對Lounge bar這樣新興之休閒行業研究極少,因此期望本研究能作為學術界相關後續研究者之參考,也提供給相關休閒業者做為日後在經營管理提升服務之參考。


Leisure industry cannot depart from ”service” naturally. Besides, customers keep ”interacting” with service provides during service process. Thus, interaction process becomes the key of relationship marketing in service industry. Accompanying leisure wave, lounge bar becomes a new but growing type of night restaurant in Taiwan's downtown areas. When customers consume in lounge bars, they usually chat with other customers or bar tenders. Therefore, there are lots of service interactions during the consumption process. Consequently, this study takes lounge bar-a new and high interaction downtown restaurant to be the research subject and discuss the relationship between customer interaction and relationship quality. Furthermore, this study inferred nine hypotheses and sampled thirty lounge bars. The major analysis methods used in this study are relation analysis and regression analysis. The result shows all the hypotheses are supported. It means that when the lounge bar has better interaction quality, it can build up better relationship with its customers. Especially, if the lounge bar could enhance interaction frequency, interaction length and specialty of service representatives, it can promote the satisfaction, reliability and commitment of customers. Because of the importance of relationship quality and customer interaction in leisure service industry, while there are few of researches discussing this topic in lounge bar restaurant, this study expects to offer the academic area a reference and offer related leisure industries some directions to improve their services.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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