


A Study of the Relationship between Motivation of Leisure Activities Participation and Sense of Happiness of Bicyclists-A Case Study of Hou Feng Bike Path




陳文江(Wen-Jiang Chen);李正慧(Cheng-Fei Lee)


自行車道 ; 休閒參與動機 ; 幸福感 ; bike path ; motivation of leisure activities participation ; sense of happiness




8卷1期(2013 / 03 / 01)


98 - 116






The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between motivation of leisure activities participation and sense of happiness by investigating the perceptions of bicycle tourists to Hou Feng Bike Path. The scales used to measure the motivation of bicycle tourists to participate in leisure activities and their state of happiness after participating in leisure activities were derived from the literature. Using convenient sampling, a total of 431 responses were received out of 450 questionnaires distributed. Based on the results from the survey, the following conclusions can be drawn: (1) the majority of bicycle tourists to Hou Feng Bike Path were young and single males. The students with the monthly income of NT$15,001 accounted for the major proportion of the respondents; (2) significant differences in the perceptions of motivation of leisure activities participation exited in different age, education level, and monthly income groups; (3) significant differences in the perceptions of sense of happiness were also found between groups in different age, gender, and marital status; (4) there is a positive relationship between motivation of leisure activities participation and sense of happiness. It is suggested that the authorities should, firstly, design a variety of bike paths to meet the needs of different types of bicycle tourists. By doing so, it is anticipated that more people are willing to ride bicycles and think of a bicycle as a leisure activity. Secondly, a well-connected bicycle network should be developed and both national and local tourism resources (e.g. tourist attractions, public transportation) should also be integrated. The stress-free, health, eco-friendly benefits of riding a bicycle should be promoted and built in the minds of Taiwanese people.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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