


The Study on Personality, Job Satisfaction and Organization Commitment for Food and Beverage Management Teachers in Vocational High School




吳桂桂(Kuei-Kuei Wu);李程豐(Cheng-Feng Lee)


教師甄選 ; 人力資源管理 ; 組織忠誠 ; teacher selection ; human resource management ; organizational loyalty




8卷2期(2013 / 06 / 01)


65 - 81






The purpose of this study is to investigate the correlation among the personality traits, job satisfaction and organization commitment of the teachers at the food and beverage department in vocational high schools. The research samples were the teachers who teach in the public/private vocational high schools in central Taiwan, via the method of purposive sampling. A total of 265 questionnaires were distributed, and with 233 valid responses received from 45 male and 188 female, the effective collection rate is 87.9%. After statistical analysis, the major findings of the study were: as follows: The teachers who have higher ”extraversion” and ”conscientiousness” personality tendency, their job satisfaction and organization commitment would get higher. The ”neuroticism” personality would negative influence the job satisfaction. Furthermore, the ”work itself”, ”supervision”, ”promotion” and ”colleagues” belong to the job satisfaction would mainly positive predict the organization commitment. This study also reveals that the 41-year and elder male teachers have lower ”neuroticism” and higher ”extraversion” personality traits. This means the teachers with this kind of personalities would be more confidence on dealing with their job in school would be doing better at manner control and would be actively to keep the good relationship to interact with the colleagues at work. Overall, based on the findings will provide related suggestions to the administration at schools for their reference with respect to improvement in the campus affair policies.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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