


Applying the Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior as a Model to Explain User Acceptance of Galileo Hotel Reservation System in Taiwan's Travel Industry




何昶鴛(Chaang-Iuan Ho);陳窈鈴(Olivia Lau);黃有傑(You-Jie Huang)


Galileo旅館訂房系統 ; 使用意願 ; 分解式計劃行為理論 ; 科技接受模式 ; Galileo hotel reservation system ; Intentions of usage ; Decomposed theory of planned behavior ; Technology acceptance model




8卷4期(2013 / 12 / 01)


1 - 26




本研究應用分解式計劃行為理論(Decomposed theory of planned behavior,DTPB),建構旅行社員工採用Galileo旅館訂房系統的使用行為模式,探討影響其使用意願的變項,並瞭解這些因素影響使用意願的強弱程度。本研究以問卷調查的方式收集資料,共計獲得302份有效樣本。研究結果顯示:態度與主觀規範正向影響使用意願;其中態度具有較大的影響效果。在影響態度的因素上,認知有用性與認知易用性具有正向影響效果,其中認知易用性的影響效果較大。而影響使用者主觀規範的因素包括:同儕影響及主管影響,而同儕的影響效果大於主管。此外,本研究比較DTPB與科技接受模式(Technology acceptance model,TAM)所建構的模式估計結果;雖然DTPB對於研究變項使用意願的解釋力略優於TAM,但並未有明顯的增加。本研究根據研究結果與研究限制,提出未來後續研究的方向與相關的實務建議。


This study examines the factors that influence the employees' behavioral intention to use Galileo hotel reservation system (GHRS) in Taiwan's travel industry. An intention-based model has been developed grounded on the decomposed theory of planned behavior (DTPB). Data were obtained from 302 employees of the travel agencies in Taiwan, and the structural equation modeling (SEM) was used as a data analysis method. On the aspect of influential factors of users toward GHRS, two factors influencing behavioral intention were attitude and subjective norm. Attitude was influenced by attitudinal belief, which could be measured by perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. Subjective norm was influenced by normative belief, which could be measured by peer influence and superior's influence. In addition, the research findings indicate that, in comparison with technology acceptance model (TAM) and DTPB, there is no significant increase on the explanatory power with the posterior. This article concludes with statements of implications and limitations of the study results.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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