


Female Foreign Spouses' Life Adaptation and Leisure Constraints in Taiwan




謝國榮(Kuo-Jung Hsieh)


女性外籍配偶 ; 生活適應 ; 休閒阻礙 ; Female Foreign Spouses ; Life Adaptation ; Leisure Constraints




9卷1期(2014 / 03 / 01)


51 - 68






This study focuses on the relationship between life adaptation and leisure constraints of the female foreign spouses who come from Southeastern Asia. For them, to live in Taiwan is a huge conversion in their lives. So, such subjects as ”whether they can adapt themselves to the new lives and expand their interpersonal relationship,” ”how the natives treat them,” and ”whether the measures that the authorities concerned take can guard against the problems” are emphasized in social scientific studies. In-depth interviews were adopted to collect data, and 8 female foreign spouses were interviewed. Semi-structured outline was used, and the researcher implemented the interviews in person. The researcher executed open coding, axial coding, and selective coding according to the word-for-word draft; simultaneously, analyses and discussions were made. The results show that female foreign spouses exactly have some problems on life adaptation, including language barriers for communication, insufficient budget, and weak family & peers supportive system. In addition, their leisure constraints are composed of restrictions from family, serious economic problems, and disapproval from family members. Most important of all, the more significant the leisure constraints are the more problems of life adaptation the female foreign spouses will have.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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