


A Study of Market Orientation, Organization Learning and Organizational Innovation in International Tourist Hotels -Organizational Climate as a Moderator




許順旺(Shun-Wang Hsu);嚴雯聖(Wen-Shen Yen);鍾孟蓉(Meng-Rong Jhong);許中駿(Chung-Chun Hsu)


市場導向 ; 組織學習 ; 組織創新 ; 組織氣候 ; 國際觀光旅館 ; Market Orientation ; Organization Learning ; Organizational Innovation ; Organizational Climate ; International Tourist Hotels




11卷2期(2016 / 06 / 01)


85 - 107




本研究乃以台灣地區國際觀光旅館之員工為研究對象,探討國際觀光旅館之市場導向、組織學習、組織創新與組織氣候之間的關聯性,並採便利抽樣方式進行問卷調查,受測對象為國際觀光旅館工作滿六個月以上之正式員工。總計發出問卷650 份,回收有效問卷501 份,有效回收率為77%。研究結果顯示:市場導向與組織學習、組織創新均存在顯著的正向影響;組織學習與組織創新存在顯著的正向影響,而組織學習會對市場導向與組織創新之間產生部份中介效果。組織氣候會對市場導向與組織學習,以及組織氣候會對組織學習與組織創新產生干擾效果。


This study aimed to explore the relationship among international tourist hotel market orientation, organization learning, organizational innovation and organizational climate. Research samples were full-time employees who have worked more than six months in the international tourist hotel in Taiwan. Questionnaire surveys with convenience sampling were applied for data collection. There were 650 questionnaires be distributed to staff, and 501 valid questionnaires were received, with a response rate of 77%. Research results indicated that: (1) market orientation had a significant positive effect on organization learning and organizational innovation. (2) organization learning had a significant positive effect on organizational innovation. (3) organization learning had mediation effect on the relationships between market orientation and organizational innovation. (4) Organizational climate moderated the effect between market orientation and organization learning (5) Organizational climate moderated the effect between organization learning and organizational innovation.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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