


The Linking between Responsibility and Price: The Role of Leisure Fishing Specialization




高文揚(Kao Wen-Yang);楊倩姿(Yang Chien-Tzu);白如玲(Bai Ru-Ling)


休閒海釣 ; 遊憩專業化 ; 負責任行為 ; 願付價格 ; Leisure Fishing ; Recreation Specialization ; Responsible Behavior ; Willing to pay




12卷1期(2017 / 03 / 01)


30 - 54




對釣客而言,價格與負責任行為在遊憩專業化中,扮演著什麼角色?由於釣魚活動的熱潮興起,越來越多人從事釣魚此休閒活動,但這也會讓漁業資源深受威脅,甚至可能資源會有耗竭的情形發生。本文目的在探究價格與負責任行為在遊憩專業化之關係。運用滾雪球抽樣,共獲致問卷313 份針對休閒海釣者進行調查。最後,將驗證三者間之關係,並提出對後續研究與實務上的建議。凸顯,遊憩專業化在價格與責任之扮演重要角色。研究顯示,進一步來說,未來政府若進一步加入釣魚許可證的費用,休閒釣魚者願意支付,100-200 元間,支付對於釣魚環境及資源的重視,並訴求在休閒釣魚從事過程中,用最大限度地減少負面的經濟,遊憩是未來休閒遊憩的發展重心,應強化維護漁業與休閒海域遊憩資源並存。最後並建議有關單位建立休閒海釣制度,讓旅遊體驗更多面向,永續發展。


Previous studies have accumulated plentiful outcomes of Specialization in the fields of education and Marine recreational fishing; however, the related research in the saltwater anglers of recreational fishing is insufficient. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships among the anglers' specialization, willing to pay and Responsible Behavior. Snowball sampling method used in this study, and a total of 313 valid questionnaires were achieved. The result indicated Recreational Specialization had great effect on the Responsible Behavior and willing to pay the price. In order to maintain the prosperity of fisheries and recreational resources, the government should legislate sea fishing and take environmental protection into account.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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