


CEO Mr. Winston Shen and Hotel Royal Group —Using Chiaohsi's Innovation as an Example




高立學(Li-Shiue Gau);劉文玲(Wen-Ling Liu);陳彩龍(Tase-Lung Chen)


服務創新 ; 老爺酒店 ; 體驗 ; 服務品質 ; 旅館 ; Service innovation ; Hotel Royal ; experience ; service quality ; hotel




12卷1期(2017 / 03 / 01)


55 - 71




本研究以老爺大酒店集團及沈方正執行長為研究個案,再以礁溪老爺為例進行創新的分析。老爺集團旗下新竹、知本、礁溪、台北和北投的老爺大酒店皆屬於國際觀光旅館,沈方正同時擔任礁溪老爺總經理。根據礁溪老爺住戶在部落格留言內容的SWOT 分析,顯示多為正面回應,肯定礁溪老爺服務品質。也有創新的活動,讓人驚喜而想再來。沈方正提出「有影子的需求」概念,延伸之前有被滿足過的需求影子,引領顧客在似熟悉又似不熟悉的體驗中,才能產生驚艷的感受。服務創新的創發,是一個思考、抽離和轉換的過程,例如思考在地文化,抽離出適合消費者的元素,轉換成有吸引力的誘因。要讓創新經營模式運作,需塑造關心「人」的企業文化,落實但不僵化的公司制度,和投資人才訓練。本研究最後歸納提出礁溪老爺服務體驗的創新架構,供其他業者參考。


This study adopted the Hotel Royal Group and its Chief Executive Officer Mr. Winston Shen as a case study, and further analyzed Hotel Royal Chiaohsi’s service innovation. Hotel Royal Group includes Hotel Royal Hsinchu, Hotel Royal Chihpen, Hotel Royal Chiaohsi, Hotel Royal-Nikko Taipei, and Hotel Royal Beitou. All of them are international tourist hotels. CEO Mr. Winston Shen also serves as the general manager of Hotel Royal Chiaohsi. Analysis of the blogger's stories written by past residents of Hotel Royal Chiaohsi showed mostly positive responses to the service quality. There were also innovative activities that surprised customers with positive intention to come back again. CEO Mr. Winston Shen proposed the concept of "shadow of the demand," indicating that extension of the previous satisfied needs to create somehow similar but somehow new experiences is more likely to produce amazing feelings for customers. The service innovation is a process of thinking, extracting, and transforming. For example, think about local culture, extract elements that fit consumers, and transform the elements into attractive incentives. To make the operation of innovative business model work, companies need to shape the corporate culture concerned with "people", implement corporate system and rules, and invest resources in employee’s trainings. This study concludes with a framework of service innovation in Hotel Royal Chiaohsi for other companies' reference.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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