


The Effects of Life Stress, Sense of Loneliness, and Affection Attachment on Willingness of Raising Pet




陳欽雨(Chin-Yeu Chen);呂博裕(Bor-Yuh Leu);陳琰如(Yen-Ju Chen)


生活壓力 ; 寂寞感 ; 情感依附 ; 飼養意願 ; life stress ; sense of loneliness ; affection attachment ; raising willingnesse




12卷4期(2017 / 12 / 01)


1 - 19




本研究主要在驗證生活壓力、寂寞感及情感依附對寵物飼養意願之關連影響。目前台灣社會面臨高齡化、少子化等現象,人們會感到生活壓力與寂寞感,使得寵物成為人們情感依附及心靈寄託的標的。因此,本研究以台灣地區過去有養、現在有養及未來欲飼養寵物者為研究對象,採用立意抽樣網路問卷調查方式,共蒐集561 份有效問卷,然後運用迴歸分析檢定研究假說。研究結果發現:飼養者之生活壓力及寂寞感對情感依附具有顯著正向影響;而寵物飼養者之生活壓力、寂寞感及情感依附也均對寵物飼養意願具有顯著正向影響;另外,情感依附在生活壓力及寂寞感與飼養意願間亦具有部份中介效果,意即人們感到生活有壓力及寂寞感時,可經由情感依附來影響寵物飼養意願。此發現有助於瞭解寵物飼主之飼養動機及行為,並可運用於規劃寵物相關產品之行銷策略。


The aim of this study was to explore the interrelated relationships among life pressure, sense of loneliness, affection attachment and raising willingness. Nowadays the social environment is facing the phenomena of population aging and children decreasing in Taiwan, while people may feel life pressure and loneliness, and thus pets have been the targets of affective attachment and spiritual dependence. Hence, this study selected the participants who raised pets in the past or right now, and will raise in the future as research samples. A web survey was conducted by using purposive sampling method, where in total of 561 valid questionnaires were collected. Subsequently, the regression analysis approach was adopted to test the proposed hypotheses. The results indicate that for pet owners, their life stress and sense of loneliness have significant positive impacts on affection attachment. Besides, life stress, sense of loneliness, and affection attachment also have significant positive effects on raising willingness. Moreover, pet owners' affection attachment can partially intermediate the relationships between life pressure and raising willingness, as well as sense of loneliness and raising willingness. It is implied that when pet owners feel stress and loneliness of life, they can be through affection attachment to affect pet raising intentions. The findings can help us understand people's motivations and behaviors for raising pet, and apply to plan marketing strategies for pet-related products.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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