


Perceived risk and the Financial Behavior: Native and Nonnative of Residents of Kinmen




陳應惠(Ying-Hui Chen);呂曉媛(Hsiao-Yuan Lu);杜佩蘭(Pey-Lan Du);楊心寧(Hsin-Ning Yang)


知覺風險 ; 理財行為 ; 金門 ; perceived risk ; Financial Behavior ; Kinmen




14卷2期(2019 / 06 / 01)


15 - 41






This paper investigated the effect of birthplace against the perceived risk (performance risk, psychological risk and social risk) and financial behavior (saving behavior and investment behavior) through samples differentiated. We presented results from 333 residents of Kinmen County and tested two scares with confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, variance analysis, and regression analysis were performed to examine hypotheses. We observed that (1) perceived risk (performance risk and social risk) had significant positive effect on financial behavior (saving behavior and investment behavior) and (2) birthplace had a moderating effect on the relationship between perceived risk and financial behavior.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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