This study aims to investigate the acceptance and feasibility of paying for boarding in Chimei and Jibei Island under the user charge concept with the theory of reasoned action. It explores the specific indicators of the acceptance for boarding payment, the willingness for more times of traveling to the islands, and the tourists' behavior of taking the environmental responsibility. The fourth part are questions about behavioral intention and the fifth part is for basic personal information. A total of 500 questionnaires were distributed. 426 valid questionnaires were returned. The effective rate is 92%. The result shows that the environmental attitude and protection commitment has a positive impact on behavioral intention. The positive relationships between the environmental attitude and the protection commitment are found. The user charge concept has significant positive effects on the protection commitment and behavioral intention, while the user charge concept has no significant effect on the environmental attitude and the behavioral intention. It reveals that with the current trend of the user charge concept, most visitors are willing to pay for boarding the islands.
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