In this study, field investigation police officers and police officers who are currently serving in Taichung City, Changhua County, and Nantou County Police Stations are used as research objects in 2020. Research tools include "Sports Participation Scale" and "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Scale". A total of 381 valid questionnaires were obtained using questionnaire surveys, and the data obtained from the study were verified by statistical methods such as independent sample t-test, single factor variance analysis, Pearson product difference correlation, and simple regression analysis. The research conclusions are as follows: 1.There are no significant differences in the degree of participation of field police officers of different genders, ages, police years and job positions. 2. There are no significant differences in chronic fatigue syndrome among field police officers of different genders, ages, years of service and job positions. 3. There is a significant correlation between the degree of participation of field police officers in sports and chronic fatigue syndrome. Based on the above results, this study has the following conclusion: the degree of participation in exercise can effectively predict the improvement of chronic fatigue syndrome, and has a positive impact, especially for the problems of "physical discomfort" and "fatigue symptoms" in chronic fatigue syndrome, which can be participated through exercise Degree to improve.
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