


A Study on the Fitness and Self-Perceived Exertion Rate of Students Taking the Badminton Class at National Taiwan University




陳振文(Chen-Wen Chen)


專項體能 ; 自覺運動量 ; 米字形步法移位




7輯(2005 / 03 / 01)


1 - 38




The subjects participating in this study were the 72 students taking the elementary badminton class in the second semester of the 2000 academic year at National Taiwan University. During the last two weeks of the course, the students underwent two fitness tests, which required them to complete the star route footwork drill five times in succession, and after the second test the students were asked to complete a questionaire on their perceived rate of exertion in the footwork drill test. The average of the two test results was calculated for each student and points were awarded on the basis of their personal results in comparison to the mean for the whole group. The results were further sorted into three groups (good, average, inferior) based on level of fitness, and then compared to the results from the perceived rate of exertion questionaire. We regard the star route footwork drill as a good test of fitness for the sport of volleyball. To obtain greater credibility in the results, the test was given on two separate occassions and analysed using the pearson's product-moment coefficient of correlation method. Each student completed the footwork drill five times in succession, and the time taken for each drill was analysed using a One-way Anova. Points awarded to each student were based on a T score calculated from the test results. The results from the perceived rate of exertion questionaire were sorted into three groups (good, average, inferior) based on level of fitness and put to a One-way Anova test. The conclusions obtained from this analysis were as follows: 1.In a comparison between the results obtained from the two separate tests, coefficient of correlation (r) was shown to be α=.01. Thus the results obtained from the star route footwork drill can be regarded as quite reliable. 2.In a comparison of the results for each student from the five consecutive drill tests, it was seen that the time taken to complete each test increased each time (p<.01). 3.A normal range of grades was obtained when using this test as a basis for grading students. 4.After completion of the first, fourth and fifth footwork drill test, the self-perceived rate of exertion did not reach a clear standard (p>0.5) for students in all three levels of fitness. 5.After completion of the second and third footwork drill test, the self-perceived rate of exertion reached a clear standard (p<0.1) for students in all three levels of fitness.


The subjects participating in this study were the 72 students taking the elementary badminton class in the second semester of the 2000 academic year at National Taiwan University. During the last two weeks of the course, the students underwent two fitness tests, which required them to complete the star route footwork drill five times in succession, and after the second test the students were asked to complete a questionaire on their perceived rate of exertion in the footwork drill test. The average of the two test results was calculated for each student and points were awarded on the basis of their personal results in comparison to the mean for the whole group. The results were further sorted into three groups (good, average, inferior) based on level of fitness, and then compared to the results from the perceived rate of exertion questionaire. We regard the star route footwork drill as a good test of fitness for the sport of volleyball. To obtain greater credibility in the results, the test was given on two separate occassions and analysed using the pearson's product-moment coefficient of correlation method. Each student completed the footwork drill five times in succession, and the time taken for each drill was analysed using a One-way Anova. Points awarded to each student were based on a T score calculated from the test results. The results from the perceived rate of exertion questionaire were sorted into three groups (good, average, inferior) based on level of fitness and put to a One-way Anova test. The conclusions obtained from this analysis were as follows: 1.In a comparison between the results obtained from the two separate tests, coefficient of correlation (r) was shown to be α=.01. Thus the results obtained from the star route footwork drill can be regarded as quite reliable. 2.In a comparison of the results for each student from the five consecutive drill tests, it was seen that the time taken to complete each test increased each time (p<.01). 3.A normal range of grades was obtained when using this test as a basis for grading students. 4.After completion of the first, fourth and fifth footwork drill test, the self-perceived rate of exertion did not reach a clear standard (p>0.5) for students in all three levels of fitness. 5.After completion of the second and third footwork drill test, the self-perceived rate of exertion reached a clear standard (p<0.1) for students in all three levels of fitness.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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