This study was designed to analyze the characteristics of the tennis racket with electronic damping system. Firstly, the study developed and analyzed the finite element models of the tennis racket and, through the model analysises, calculated the model parameters such as natural frequencies, vibration types, and damping ratios, and then carried out the simple harmonic analysises to obtain a frequency response functions; after that, the experimental model analysises were implemented to calculate both model parameters and frequency response functions of the tennis racket. The study was conducted by way of theoretical verification and experimental research, among which the former used the Ansys modal analysis while the latter applied the impact tests through ME'scope VES 5.0(superscript TM). The study findings were as follows:
1. The vibration characteristics of the tennis racket with electronic damping system, including natural vibration frequency and damping ratio, with regard to either theoretical or experimental values, are slightly higher than those of a common titanium tennis racket. And there is no significant difference between the two kinds of rackets with regard to the structural vibration types.
2. There are few differences between the sweet spots of the tennis racket with electronic damping system and that of a common titanium tennis racket.
3. The experimental value of the vibration energy concerning the handle of a common titanium tennis racket is slightly higher than that of the tennis racket with electronic damping system, suggesting that a common titanium tennis racket has stronger vibration power on the hand than the tennis racket with electronic damping system does; namely, the latter has better damping performance.
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