


An Empirical Study of Testing the Brand Equity Model for a Professional Sport Team: Using UNI LIONS Professional Baseball Team as an Example




張文玫(Wen-Mei Chang);陳成業(Chen-Yueh Chen)


品牌權益 ; 品牌聯想 ; 品牌知名度 ; brand equity ; brand association ; brand awareness




14輯(2009 / 03 / 01)


65 - 80




目的:本研究之主要目的為驗證職業運動球隊品牌權益模式,是否能利用品牌聯想(商標、競爭行為、餐飲部、社會互動、支持程度、球隊歷史、球隊屬性、球隊成就、球隊球員、工作人員)與品牌知名度(認同感、內在化)兩個構面以建構出職業運動球隊品牌權益模式。方法:本研究係透過問卷調查法,問卷修編自Ross,Russell與Bang(2008)之問卷,回收之有效問卷為419份。此次研究對象為統一7-ELEVEn獅主場-台南球場之現場觀眾,並以二階驗證性因素分析(Confirmatory Factor Analysis, CFA)驗證該模式。結果:本研究信度考驗係以Cronbach''''s α係數求取量表內部一致性(數值介於0.72~0.94);效度分析則使用驗證性因素分析,所得結果表示本研究之建構效度是可被接受的(χ^2/df=2.386、RMSEA=0.058、NNFI=0.98、CFI=0.98),經由信效度之分析上述結果可得知,本研究量表之信效度可被接受。結論:本研究所建構之品牌權益模式能獲得實證上之驗證,且品牌聯想與品牌知名度能夠有效地建構出品牌權益之模式。


Purpose: This current study was to test the proposed brand equity model for a professional sport team to see if brand equity consists of brand association (logo, competition, concession, social interaction, team history, team attribute, team performance, players and staff) and brand awareness (identification and internalization). Method: Questionnaires were modified from Ross, Russell, & Bang (2008) and distributed to the spectators attending the UNI LIONS baseball games in Tainan Municipal Baseball Stadium using convenience sampling. Four hundred and nineteen usable questionnaires were collected. Second-order confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed to test the proposed model. Results: Both validity and reliability in the present study were ensured. The result of CFA revealed satisfactory validity (χ^2/df = 2.386、RMSEA = .058、NNFI = .98、CFI = .98). Cronbach's α was ranged from 0.72 to 0.94, indicating that satisfactory reliability was obtained. Discussion: The proposed model in the current study to modeling brand equity for a professional sport team was confirmed, meaning that the brand association and the brand awareness comprise a professional sport team's brand equity.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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