Purpose: This current study was to test the proposed brand equity model for a professional sport team to see if brand equity consists of brand association (logo, competition, concession, social interaction, team history, team attribute, team performance, players and staff) and brand awareness (identification and internalization). Method: Questionnaires were modified from Ross, Russell, & Bang (2008) and distributed to the spectators attending the UNI LIONS baseball games in Tainan Municipal Baseball Stadium using convenience sampling. Four hundred and nineteen usable questionnaires were collected. Second-order confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed to test the proposed model. Results: Both validity and reliability in the present study were ensured. The result of CFA revealed satisfactory validity (χ^2/df = 2.386、RMSEA = .058、NNFI = .98、CFI = .98). Cronbach's α was ranged from 0.72 to 0.94, indicating that satisfactory reliability was obtained. Discussion: The proposed model in the current study to modeling brand equity for a professional sport team was confirmed, meaning that the brand association and the brand awareness comprise a professional sport team's brand equity.
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