


Comparative Analysis on Serve Skill of Men's Single Matches in 2009 Grand Slam Tournament




邱豐傑(Feng-Chieh Chiu);李鑑芸(Chien-Yun Lee);趙曉涵(Hsiao-Han Chao)


不同表面性質網球場地 ; different court surfaces




19輯(2010 / 12 / 01)


37 - 53




This study was to compare and analysis skill serves of men's single matches in Grand Slam Tournament. Data were collected based on the tennis players who were qualified to the third round in the four grand slam tournaments in the year 2008. One-way ANOVA were used to compare eight skill variables of each single match performed on the different court surfaces. The results revealed that (1) In Australian Open tournament, the result showed significant (p<.05) difference in 1st Serve %, winning % on 1st serve PTS and winning % on 2nd serve PTS. In French Open tournament, the result showed significant difference in winning % on 1st serve PTS, winning % on 2nd serve PTS, ace and fastest speed of serves. The results from Wimbledon Open tournament showed a significant difference in 1st Serve %, winning % on 1st serve PTS and winning % on 2nd serve PTS. In addition, US Open tournament results showed significant difference in winning % on 1st serve PTS, winning % on 2nd serve PTS and ace. (2)The present results also showed significant difference in winning rate on winning % on 1st serve PTS, aces, unforced errors, fastest serves speed (p<.05) and average 2nd serve speed while losers have difference in 1st Serve %, ace, unforced errors and average 2nd serve speedand it's outstanding standard (p<.05). The result showed from the research, the key point of success or failure will be influenced from winning % on serve PTS from The Big Four Tennis Tournament, the winner player needs to possess the higher of winning % on 1st and 2nd serve PTS, the probability to win be enhanced, and the speedy faster of Wimbledon court will be more important.


This study was to compare and analysis skill serves of men's single matches in Grand Slam Tournament. Data were collected based on the tennis players who were qualified to the third round in the four grand slam tournaments in the year 2008. One-way ANOVA were used to compare eight skill variables of each single match performed on the different court surfaces. The results revealed that (1) In Australian Open tournament, the result showed significant (p<.05) difference in 1st Serve %, winning % on 1st serve PTS and winning % on 2nd serve PTS. In French Open tournament, the result showed significant difference in winning % on 1st serve PTS, winning % on 2nd serve PTS, ace and fastest speed of serves. The results from Wimbledon Open tournament showed a significant difference in 1st Serve %, winning % on 1st serve PTS and winning % on 2nd serve PTS. In addition, US Open tournament results showed significant difference in winning % on 1st serve PTS, winning % on 2nd serve PTS and ace. (2)The present results also showed significant difference in winning rate on winning % on 1st serve PTS, aces, unforced errors, fastest serves speed (p<.05) and average 2nd serve speed while losers have difference in 1st Serve %, ace, unforced errors and average 2nd serve speedand it's outstanding standard (p<.05). The result showed from the research, the key point of success or failure will be influenced from winning % on serve PTS from The Big Four Tennis Tournament, the winner player needs to possess the higher of winning % on 1st and 2nd serve PTS, the probability to win be enhanced, and the speedy faster of Wimbledon court will be more important.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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