


Construction of Scale for the Evaluation of Physical Education of College Students at Lunghwa University of Science and Technology




洪升呈(Sheng-Cheng Hung)


聚合效度 ; 區別效度 ; convergent validity ; discriminant validity




19輯(2010 / 12 / 01)


65 - 80




本研究旨在編製適合國內大學生評鑑體育教師教學之量表,研究主要探討量表之效度、信度與測量模式之適配度。針對龍華科技大學選修體育課之學生進行抽樣調查,共計發放問卷1100份,回收1027份,有效問卷951份,透過項目分析及探索性因素分析進行量表之鑑別力及因素結構考驗,而後以驗證性因素分析考驗量表假設性測量模式之整體適配度,量表信度則分析內部一致性與平均變異抽取量;分析研究結果發現,修正後量表保留20個測量題項,計有專業能力、態度熱忱、教學評量等三個因素構面,全量表具有良好的建構信度與效度,整體模式適配度良好(x^2 = 691.11,RMSEA= 0.06,GFI=0.93,CFI=0.97,PNFI=0.84),是一個符合實證的測量工具,後續研究人員可運用本研究所建構之量表進行相關研究。


The purpose of this study was to edit a scale for the evaluation of physical education of college students. This study aimed to explore the validity, reliability and the goodness-of-fit of the measurement model. Sample investigation among students who select physical course in Lunghwa University of Science and Technology. There were total of 1,100 copies distributed island-wide, among them 1027 were returned and 951 were effective. Item analysis and exploratory factor analysis were employed to examine the CR value and structure of the factors. Afterwards, confirmatory factor analysis was used to testify the goodness-of-fit of the hypothesis measurement model. The purpose of the reliability was to analyze the internal consistency and average variance extracted. The following result was obtained: after the modification of the scale, 3 dimensions which were professionalism, enthusiasm, lecture evaluation which contained 20 items were maintained. The reliability and the validity of the modified scale was fair; the overall goodness-of fit was decent (x^2=699.11, RMSEA=0.06, GFI=0.93, CFI=0.97, PNFI=0.84). As a result, this measurement tool is empirical and could be used for future related research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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