


The Effect of Differential Web-based Support on Students' Self-regulatory Strategies of Motor Skills Learning




林進隆(Jin-Lung Lin)


自我調節學習 ; 數位學習模式 ; 後設認知策略 ; self-regulatory learning ; e-learning support model ; meta-cognition strategies




20輯(2011 / 04 / 01)


1 - 15






The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of differential web-based support model on college students' self-regulatory strategies of motor skills learning. A quasi-experimental design is employed and totally 103 students are randomly assigned as the direct instruction group (DI), knowledge exploring group (KE) and reflective thinking group (RT) for 6 weeks table tennis unit of physical education course. A self-regulatory strategies questionnaire is introduced to evaluating students' cognition, meta-cognition and resources management strategies by revising from ”Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ).” The results showed that (a) students of the KE and RT group outperformed the DI group on cognition of self-regulatory strategies; (b) students of the RT group outperformed the DI group on meta-cognition of self-regulatory strategies; (c) there are no significantly differences on the students' resources management strategies among these groups. To encourage the effects of web-based support on college students' self-regulatory strategies of motor skills learning, the paper is concluded that providing the visual reflective model and social interaction mechanism seem preferable than knowledge exploring resources.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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