


The Influences of Watching Aerobic Videos on Social Physique Anxiety, Physical Self-Concept and Exercise Motivation




莊淑王如(Shu-Ru Chuang);鄭豐譯(Fang-Yi Cheng);聶喬齡(Chiao-Lin Nien)


有氧舞蹈影片 ; 現實體型 ; 理想體型 ; aerobic dance videos ; body reality ; ideal body




22輯(2012 / 03 / 01)


63 - 73




目的:探討大學生對於自身體型感受主、客觀,一致組與不一致組的研究參與者,在教學影片欣賞前,其社會體型焦慮、身體自我概念與參與動機的差異情形。以及,觀賞影片時呈現出身形健美的教學示範者(拉丁有氧為五位女性,拳擊有氧為兩位女性與三位男性),是否影片中示範者的身材會間接影響,各組間心理變項的差異情形。方法:以77位大學體育課選修有氧舞蹈學生,平均年齡為19.57 ± 1.74 歲、身體質量指數為20.98 ± 3.32。研究工具為社會體型焦慮、身體自我概念、健身運動行為調節等量表與有氧舞蹈教學影片。資料處理以描述性統計、積差相關、獨立樣本t 考驗與成對樣本t考驗分析。結果:主、客觀體型一致組與不一致組,觀賞教學影片前,其外表和社會體型焦慮構面有差異性存在;而其他變項上並無差異性存在。在教學影片介入後,一致組在各個變項上,並沒有產生差異的情形。不一致組在觀賞影片之後,對於外表的主觀知覺有所提昇。結論:教學影片除傳遞出教學的目的之外,還有提昇人們心理層面的額外效益。


Purpose: The aims of the present study were to investigate the influence of different demonstrator body shape (all females or males and females) on university students' social physique anxiety, physical self-concept and exercise motivation when watching aerobic teaching videos. Methods: Seventy-seven university students who attended aerobic course were participated in this study (mean age 19.57 ± 1.74 years old, and mean BMI index 20.98 ± 3.32). A battery of questionnaires were measured before and after watching the teaching clips including social physique anxiety, physical self-concept, and exercise motivation regulation. Statistics analyses were conducted including descriptive statistics, Pearson correlations and pair sample t-test. Results: There were differences on physical self-perception and social physique anxiety in both groups before watching the demonstration videos. There was no other difference found on other aspects of the present study. After the video intervention, those who are inconsistent, but not those participants who are consistent in their body perception (that is similar with their objective and subjective body-shape), were witness a promotion on their perception of their appearance. Conclusion: The video showing during class not only have a direct impact on learning, but also have some impact on students' psychological aspect of one's appearance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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