Purpose: The aims of the present study were to investigate the influence of different demonstrator body shape (all females or males and females) on university students' social physique anxiety, physical self-concept and exercise motivation when watching aerobic teaching videos. Methods: Seventy-seven university students who attended aerobic course were participated in this study (mean age 19.57 ± 1.74 years old, and mean BMI index 20.98 ± 3.32). A battery of questionnaires were measured before and after watching the teaching clips including social physique anxiety, physical self-concept, and exercise motivation regulation. Statistics analyses were conducted including descriptive statistics, Pearson correlations and pair sample t-test. Results: There were differences on physical self-perception and social physique anxiety in both groups before watching the demonstration videos. There was no other difference found on other aspects of the present study. After the video intervention, those who are inconsistent, but not those participants who are consistent in their body perception (that is similar with their objective and subjective body-shape), were witness a promotion on their perception of their appearance. Conclusion: The video showing during class not only have a direct impact on learning, but also have some impact on students' psychological aspect of one's appearance.
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