


A Study of the Relations Models on Leisure Motivation, Free Time Management, and Leisure Satisfaction of Slow Pitch of the Elementary School Teachers




黃振紅(Chen-Hung Huang);呂碧琴(Pi-Ching Lu);曾金宏(Jin-Hong Zeng)


休閒運動 ; 生活品質 ; 線性結構模式 ; recreational sports ; quality of life ; SEM




25輯(2013 / 09 / 01)


35 - 45




本研究旨在探討新北市國小教師參與慢速壘球休閒動機、自由時間管理與休閒滿意度之關聯性。以2011年新北市參與慢速壘球運動的國小教師320人為研究對象,運用「教師參與慢速壘球休閒動機、自由時間管理與休閒滿意度問卷」為研究工具,回收有效問卷261份(82%)並以探索性因素分析、驗證性因素分析及路徑分析等統計方法進行資料分析。結果發現:一、國小教師休閒動機、自由時間管理與休閒滿意度之影響模式符合各項適配度指標。二、國小教師之「休閒動機」對「自由時間管理」有直接影響效果;「自由時間管理」對「休閒滿意度」有直接影響效果。三、國小教師 的「休閒動機」對「休閒滿意度」有直接影響,經由「自由時間管理」有間接的影響。故知,國小教師參與休閒運動時可透過自由時間管理的妥善規劃,避免參與休閒運動時遭受阻礙。建議國小教師參與休閒運動時能先規劃本身的自由時間,使自由時間能發揮使用效益,進而提升其休閒滿意程度。


The purpose of this study was to explore the relations models on leisure motivation, free time management, and leisure satisfaction of slow pitch of the elementary school teachers in New Taipei City. 320 subjects filled out the questionnaires about ”The Teachers' Leisure Participation Motivation, Free Time Management, and Leisure Satisfaction of Slow Pitch.” 261 effective questionnaires returned (81% effective response-rate). Data were analyzed by exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and path analysis. Results were as following: 1. The effect models on the leisure motivation, free time management, and leisure satisfaction of slow pitch of the elementary school teachers were consistent with all fit indexes. 2. Leisure motivation had directed effect on free time management; also, free time management had directed effect on leisure satisfaction. 3. Leisure satisfaction was affected directly by leisure motivation but was affected indirectly by the free time management. According to the results, we realized, the elementary school teachers those who could keep away from recreation constraints through the perfect free time management as they took part in leisure sports. We recommended the elementary school teachers those who should make a perfect free timetable before participating leisure sports in order to raise the efficiency of free time using and to raise their leisure satisfaction furthermore.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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