


A Study of Event Conflict Management Capability of College Taekwondo Athletes




賀中慧(Chung-Hui Ho)


跆拳道比賽 ; 衝突控制 ; event of Taekwondo ; conflict control




25輯(2013 / 09 / 01)


59 - 72






This purpose of this study was to explore the event conflict management capability of college Taekwondo athletes, the data was collected from the related theories and athletics to create the event conflict management capability model, and analyzed the relationships of variables in the model. The statistics were applied exploratory factor analysis to set the model, and the structural equation modeling tested the fit and the relationships of variables. The parameters indicated that the model need to be fixed because of the GFI, RMSEA, and NCI parameters did not match the suggestion parameters, five observed variables were deleted in the modification, the total parameters in the model were accepted according to the suggestion parameters fit. There were significant correlations in the model of ”attendant qualification”, ”athletes provocation”, ”out of field interfere”, ”misjudgments”, and ”emotional control”. The recommendations are that the athletes have to check the qualify and equipments carefully before the competition, turn the enemy's flank, dodge, and ignore component's provocative, pay attention on the competition and disregard the interferences of outside field, select the distinct attack position and angle to make judge sentence easier, control emotion management before and on the events, train and foster the event conflict management capability, bring skill into full play and get batter rank of position in the competitions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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