


A Study of the Relationship model among Pre-Tour Decision Making, Satisfaction and Willingness to Revisit of a Festival Activity




黃振紅(Chen-Hung Huang);呂碧琴(Pi-Ching Lu);林謙如(Chien-Ju Lin)


文化節慶 ; 節慶觀光 ; 題項包裹法 ; 結構方程模式 ; cultural festival ; festival tourism ; item parcels ; structural equation models




32輯(2017 / 03 / 01)


1 - 14






Purposes: 1) To understand the background, the considered factors pre-tour decision making, satisfaction, and revisiting willingness of the tourists' of 2013 Songshan New Highlight Festival in Taipei City; 2) To explore the relationships among the considering factors of pre-tour decision-making, satisfaction, and the revisiting willingness. Research Methods: 318 subject were invited by purposive sampling. Data were collected by the questionnaire survey and were analyzed by descriptive statistics and structural equation models. Results: 1) 56.9% tourists were female; 25.8 % tourists were over the age of 55; 50.0% tourists attended the festival with family; and 66.7% tourists were the citizen of Taipei City. 2) The "perceived opportunity assessment" was the prior considered factor of the pre-tour decision making (m=4.49); "the special interest of the festival" was the most satisfied item of tourists' (m=4.57); the value of the tourists’ revisiting willingness averaged 4.60. 3) The considering factors of pre-tour decision making was positive effect upon satisfaction; and the satisfaction was positive effect upon revisiting willingness; however, moderation of the considering factors of pre-tour decision making on revisiting willingness was not supported. It showed the tourists’ revisiting willingness was effected indirectly by the considering factors of pre-tour decision making which was based on the "satisfaction" owing to its intermediary role.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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