


Study on the striving and career planning of elite cycling athletes




劉雅杰(Ya-Chieh Liu);方世華(Shih-Hua Fang);洪寶蓮(Bao-Lien Hung)


自行車競技 ; 菁英選手 ; 蕭美玉 ; 奮鬥歷程 ; 生涯規劃 ; cycling ; elite athlete ; Mei-Yu Hsiao ; striving process ; career planning




32輯(2017 / 03 / 01)


69 - 81






Purpose: The striving process and career planning of elite athletes are important issues in sport science. Their experience will be valuable to future athletes. Therefore, this study aimed to the striving process and career planning of an elite cyclist Ms. Mei-Yu Hsiao. Method: Using qualitative method, semi-structured interview was designed. During the face- to-face interview, we recorded the content word by word, then analyzed her experience of games, striving and career planning. Result: Mei-Yu Hsiao has dedicated to cycling since her first year in junior high school. The stress and mental status of her were changing during different stages. Through the experience of numerous games and mind changes, her persistence and attitude help her to win a gold medal of cycling in Asian games and the privilege to attend Olympic games. So far, she still tries very hard to reach her new goal, instead of setting an endpoint of her sports career. To serve as a coach or teacher, or to run a bike shop are probable choices in her future life. Conclusion: Attitude, clear goal and the desire to win in races are the major factors leading Mei-Yu become an elite cyclist. The striving in cycle-racing not only lengthen her sports career but also enlighten juniors positively. The results of this study integrate the valuable experience, which could provide information for training elite athletes.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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