


The Business Model Canvas of Senior Citizen Intelligent Sport Facilities: A Case of Xinzhuang Happy Life SMARC




張家榮(Chang, Chia-Jung)


高齡社會 ; 銀髮族 ; 環狀型運動儀器 ; 戰後嬰兒潮 ; aged society ; senior citizen sport facilities ; elderly ; SMARC ; Post-World War II baby boom




38輯(2020 / 03 / 01)


39 - 52






Taiwan is about to enter the advanced age in recent year. Through the change of population structure and environment, the related issues such as senior exercise and health have been noticed. The end of World War II brought a baby boom to Taiwan, and now those babies grew up to be elderlies. Made many emerging elderly sport companies to grow. The study is to explore the planning and to discuss the points of the operation of the senior citizen sport facilities. Taking Xinzhuang Happy Life SMARC for example, the first sports facilities for the elderly in Taiwan. This study collected data through semi-structured interview method from managers, coaches and users, and the results are qualitatively analyzed and classified into nine aspects according to the business model. The results showed that there are some cognitive differences in managers, coaches and users. In the future, industry and government should attached importance to the needs of the elderly and proposed precise strategies in order to react the rapid demand in the senior exercise market.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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