


Relationship between Bed & Breakfast Choice Preference, Experiential Value and Revisit Intention amongst Triathletes




蔡英豪(Ying-hao Cai);羅旭壯(She-Juang Luo);王湧水(Yung-Shui Wang)


鐵人三項運動 ; 住宿 ; 結構方程模式 ; 中介效果 ; triathlon ; accommodation ; structural equation models ; mediating effect




40輯(2021 / 03 / 01)


49 - 66






Due to the rapid development of triathlon within the country in recent years, the feature of self-challenging of triathlon has attracted many sports enthusiasts to participate in it. However, competitions are hosted all over Taiwan, which forces triathletes to leave their hometown for other cities in order to compete, thus creating the demand for accommodation. The purpose of this study is to formulate the relationship between bed and breakfast (B&B) choice preferences, experiential value and revisiting intention from triathlon enthusiasts' perspective. Respondents are triathletes who have participated in the Ironman Race in Taitung District over the past three years and were selected through convenience sampling. Questionnaires and empirical analysis were used in interviews and a total of 364 samples were collected. Data analysis was conducted through descriptive statistics, credibility analysis, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM). The study finds that: 1. Majority of respondents are male (72%); military and law enforcement participation rank first (29.4%) in career distribution; as for degree, most respondents have at least a college or university degree (56.9%); majority are married with children (63.7%); respondents mainly reside in northern Taiwan (53.6%); most sources of information on B&B are from recommendations by friends and family with prior accommodation experience (47%). 2. The dominant factors of B&B choice preferences, experiential value and revisit intention are "leisure and stress relief" (averaging 3.925), "overall experience" (averaging 3.826) and "revisit willingness" (averaging 4.089) respectively. 3. "B&B experiential value" holds a positive effect on "B&B choice preferences" and "revisit intention" while a negative effect is found between the latter two. While B&B choice preferences and revisit intention have mediating effect on the experiential value. From surveys and subsequent analysis, this study proposes that B&B should: focus on target customer group, demonstrate specialty to promote positive publicity, differentiate product, pay attention to changes in online publicity, and monitor online review to facilitate growth.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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