
從民間融資提案制度 (PFI)探討財政支出價值(VFM)的關鍵評估研究


A Study on Critical Perspectives of Value for Money Perspective;From Private Finance Initiative




施光訓(Kuang-Hsun Shih);李明芳(Ming-Fang Lee)


民間融資提案制度(PFI) ; 財政支出價值(VFM) ; 財政政策(FiscalPolicy) ; 專案融資(Project Finance) ; Private Finance Initiative (PFI) ; Value for Money (VFM) ; Fiscal Policy ; Project Finance




17卷1期(2012 / 03 / 01)


65 - 81




公共投資比例視為一個國家經濟持續發展的一項指標,可提升國民生活水平與吸引國內外廠商投資,以促進整體國家競爭力,如何推動民間融資提案制度(PFI),藉由財政支出價值(Value for Money, 簡稱VFM)的觀念,評估關鍵因子對專案計畫的重要性,提供執行專案計畫融資時,關鍵因子的風險評估方法。本研究之民間融資提案制度(PFI)透過問卷發放以及專家訪談方式,了解政府(Public)、民間(Private)與夥伴關係(Partnership)三者彼此互補互利的合作關係,並藉由決策實驗室法(DEMATEL)探討財政支出價值的關鍵因子的因果群組關係,萃取出財政支出價值的(VFM)關鍵要素,將中心度指標加以分析,並進而運用網路程序分析法(ANP),找出因子間相對重要性,作為後續政府、銀行、民間辦理大型專案計劃時為參考依據。


The public investment ratio is seen as an indicator of the continued development of a nation’s economy, as it can enhance the quality of life of its citizens, attract foreign and domestic investment, and promote overall national competitiveness. It is important to promote the Private Finance Initiative (PFI), through the key factor evaluation of Value for Money (VFM) in order to assess the significance of the projects, and provide this information to public departments under the conditions of financial difficulty and scarce financial resources for risk evaluation of key factors when planning loans for projects. This study conducted questionnaire survey and expert interviews to understand the mutually beneficial cooperative relationships among the public, private, and partnerships. Decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) was used to extract and explore the causal group relationships of VFM key factors. Then, the centrality indicators were analyzed, and in turn, the analytic network process (ANP) was used to determine the relative importance between the factors. The findings can serve as references for government, banks, and the private sector when arranging major projects.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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