


The Investigation of the Lifestyles and the Leisure Attitudes of Technology College Business and Management School Students


許琬娸(Wan-Chi Hsu);謝懷毅(Hwai-I Hsieh);許哲瀚(Che-Han Hsu)


生活型態 ; 休閒態度 ; lifestyle ; leisure attitude




19卷2期(2014 / 09 / 01)


27 - 51






The goal of this research is to verify the status quo of both the lifestyle s and the leisure attitudes of those technology college students, who are the samples of this research, too. 600 copies of questionnaires were released and 455 responded, and the response rate is 75%. Descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, correlation analysis, Scheffe’s test and regression analysis were carried out to those data collected. The research findings are listed below: the lifestyles of male students are more of recreation, student organization participation, popular fashion, network information and keen personals, and the leisure behaviors of male students demonstrate the styles of its kind. Certain lifestyles between grades differ significantly, the seniors are more of popular fashion than the juniors; the freshmen score higher than the juniors in the leisure recognition of the leisure attitude. The lifestyles of those having more pocket money, more than 1000 dollars, are more of recreation, popular fashion and keen personals. Our forecast of the leisure attitude, in terms of the lifestyle include: both the lifestyles and the leisure attitude of those who trending to recreation are more positive; and the leisure attitude of those who trending to network information is more positive. According to our research outcomes, the researchers formulate certain practical suggestions.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
社會科學 > 管理學
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